Nov 10, 2011

Art Club T-shirt 2011-2012

Here is the shirt we are going to have for this year, if you have not paid your dues please pay asap, the shirts will be ordered shortly and you will not be able to get one. The heart will be colored in with markers to make it more colorful and individualized.

Sep 6, 2011

Art Club Officers

Here are the results for the office possitions:

PRESIDENT- Lydia Knowles
VICE- Jilian Sivasligil
SECRETARY-Vanessa Rojas
EVENTS/HISTORIAN- Vasha Bazelais/Laylo Mukhsinova

Officers are responsible for attending the majority of meeting and events.
All officers are needed at the meeting next week to coordinate projects. 

Email Me with any questions!

Aug 25, 2011

Hello Members!

As the year starts, I would like to welcome all of you to the art club. This club is designed for you, and run by you. So, that means that it is as exciting as YOU make it!
Come to the meetings, bring excitement, attend events, keep the enthusiasm going!